Vol. 3 Issue 2, Jan – June 2009
Title:- Implementation of a Transparent Peripheral Component Interconnect(PCI) Bridge using FPGA
Authors:- P.B. Mane and S.M. Jagdale
Title:- Design of CMOS Analog Signal Multiplier using Differential Difference Current Conveyor
Authors:- D.K. Mishra, Aftab Beig
Title:- Application of Microstrip Discontinuities to Design a Low Pass Filter
Authors:- Dhirendra Kumar, N.S Ragava, Asok De
Title:- Supervised Learning Based Image Coding Technique using Artificial Neural Networks
Authors:- S.R. Patil, T.R. Sonatakke
Title:- A Modern Technique to Secure Real Time Digital Videos
Authors:- Prakash Devale, Mr. Pritesh Patil